Name Change

Please read all the information below if you are no longer able to travel on your trip and want to change the name on the ticket. Please note, deposits are non-refundable.

If you are no longer able to travel with us, you can change the name on the ticket and sell the ticket to another participant. There is an airline admin fee of £120 to change the name on the ticket (£60 each way). Please follow the instructions below.

1. Find a replacement for your trip. If you do not know anyone wanting to replace you, ask your society committee as they may have a waiting list for the trip.

2. Ensure the participant who is replacing you has created an account on the UniLife website.

3. Make a payment to the following account for £120.

UniLife Experiences

Sort Code – 60-83-71

Account Number – 38424073

Please use the reference of the last name of the SELLING participant and the order number used for the deposit. For example, Tim Smith with order number #3469 should use the reference SMITH3469

4. The participant who is taking your place should pay you the sum that you have paid for the trip so far, or any other amount agreed upon between you. Please note, UniLife will not handle any exchange of monies between participants and this must be handled directly.

5. Complete the form below. Please ensure all the details are correct before you submit the form. Both participants will receive an e-mail confirmation from UniLife when the name change has been completed.

If you have any questions, please get in touch at




Name Change Form

Complete the details below to process your name change.



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